🌿Collectible Cards are an excellent addition for those who enjoy collecting!

The game features over 20 thematic collections👀 To complete one collection, you need to gather 18 cards🎴 

Cards can be obtained through various methods ☘️ : 

🍀Hourly, you receive a pack of Cards in the Collections menu; 

🍀Filling out the collection scale, finding differences in pictures related to one of the themes; 

🍀Winning tournaments and receiving them as rewards.

Each pack contains 3 Cards. Packs are marked with stars ⭐️ from 1 to 5, indicating the rarity of the Cards inside. The more stars, the rarer the Cards. They may duplicate, and all new Cards will be marked with a "New" sign🌟 Additionally, duplicates can be exchanged for a new pack of Cards.

For each completed theme, you will receive a reward 🎁

May collecting such beautiful Cards bring you as much joy as it does for us

Enjoy the game